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What Our Clients Are Saying

About Solis Wealth

Solis Wealth Management is an independent financial firm established to put our clients’ best interest first by strictly adhering to our mission statement, vision statement and commitment creed-governing values that drive our daily life.

We understand that money is a tool to help you confidently pursue what you value most, and we are passionate about helping you transition from financial independence to personal significance.

About Solis Wealth

Our mission is to provide comprehensive wealth management at the highest level of excellence, competence and integrity to support our clients in accomplishing what they value most in life. We believe that our passion to serve our clients, each other and the community will have an everlasting positive impact on the world around us.

We see a sustainable business that is completely fulfilling a specific calling. Our professionalism, authenticity, integrity and sincerity is not only helping our clients accomplish what they value most in life, but also helping them move from personal success to personal significance. Our approach to holistic, proactive wealth management is making a significant positive impact in people’s lives.

We see a large office space to provide for a thriving business that is financially very successful. Our team consists of several competent Associate Wealth Advisors that are committed to the highest standards of integrity and have complete buy-in to the mission and vision of the organization. There is a robust support staff that consists primarily of LPL registered assistants who are passionate about their roles and working in their positions of strength. Our respect and concern for each other goes beyond a typical business. The sum of all the individuals working toward a shared goal creates an extraordinary synergy that accomplishes great things and is a shining light in the world.

We see a business that understands the privilege and responsibility of making a positive impact in the world around them. This drives us to not only give generously, but also to provide office space and business infrastructure to local and international charities and ministries. Our intention is to give in a unilateral way that does not promote us, but answers to a higher calling. We understand that this positive impact could have everlasting significance.

Integrity and Trust
We believe that integrity and trust are the most important characteristics that people should expect from us. We believe our word must be as good as gold; always let your yes be yes, and your no be no.

Positive Attitude
We believe that a positive attitude is derived from a grateful heart. We understand that it is a blessing and a privilege to do what we do every day and it is our intention to embrace each day with an attitude of gratitude. We understand that attitude could make or break a business, a church, or a family, so therefore, we will keep a positive, upbeat attitude.

Consider Others as Important as Yourself
We believe that this is the “Golden Rule.” Our desire is not to be self-centered, but to be other-centered and have a servant’s heart. Our goal is to be great listeners who are genuinely compassionate and try to understand how people think and feel. We believe that this will allow us to relate better to others and develop authentic relationships that will be sustainable and fruitful.

We believe that what we do is a gift and therefore, we have a deep desire to be good stewards of this responsibility. Team members, clients, charities, ministries, and our families deeply depend on us. We will approach our work daily as if we are “cathedral builders” and not just “brick layers.” We believe that proper stewardship includes having a generous heart. We have been blessed, and therefore, we want to be a blessing to others.

Do the Right Thing for the Right Reasons – no matter the cost, no matter who’s watching.
We believe that this is the measure of an individual’s true character. We live in a world and work in an industry that is full of conflicts of interest, greed, and quid pro quos. Our desire is to always do the right thing, regardless of the circumstances. There will be times where we may make decisions that are not in our best interest, but we will strive to do the right thing, regardless of the outcome.

Build a Great Team
We believe that the sum of all parts working together creates an extraordinary synergy that accomplishes great things. We are firm believers that having the right people working together in their positions of strength will not only create a culture of honor, but will also allow us to do an extraordinary job for our clients. Therefore, our intention is to hire exceptional individuals who share our values, and understand and embrace our Mission Statement, Vision Statement and Commitment Creed.

Lifelong Learning
We believe that in order to be competent, knowledgeable and the best at what we do, it is important to have a genuine desire to learn and grow. We strive to be innovative in our thinking, and we embrace learning as a privilege and necessity to excel and thrive both professionally and personally.

Have Fun
We work in an industry that can often be stressful and serious as many people rely on us to do a great job. Nevertheless, we believe in the importance of laughter and enjoying each other’s company. It is our intention to balance our professionalism and desire for excellence with fun, laughter and joy. We believe it’s important to take the time to laugh together, pray for one another, serve together and generally do life together.

We understand that without our clients, our business will not exist.

We understand that it is a blessing, a privilege and an opportunity to be able to do what we do every day for our clients, and we will approach every day with an attitude of gratitude.

We know that our clients are not an interruption of our work; they are our primary purpose.

We understand that our clients rely and depend on our ability to help them make smart decisions with their money. Therefore, we will stay committed to knowledge, innovation, and excellence to help them accomplish their goals and objectives.

We are committed to operating at the highest level of integrity to do only what is in our clients best interest.

We will stay committed to providing the absolute best service available in the financial industry.

We firmly believe that if we provide the best service and advice at the highest level of competence and integrity, we will help our clients accomplish what they value most in life and transition their personal success to personal significance.

Awards and Recognition

Understanding Our Process

Working in the financial industry since 1992, we have found that it’s very beneficial to provide as much information as possible about who we are and what you can expect. We can assure you that the process of determining whether we are a good fit for you will be completely different than anything you have experienced in the past or would expect; not only in our process, but also our strong emphasis on professionalism, integrity, trust, and full disclosure. Our primary goal is to provide individualized service and expertise that will help you to pursue what you value most in life. With that goal in mind, we are limited to taking on 12-15 new clients per year. At this time, we are unable to take on households with less than $1,000,000 in investable assets without potentially compromising our commitment to our existing clients.

This initial meeting, which may be in person or over the phone, is designed to address any questions or concerns you may have in regard to the services we provide, how we deliver our services, our core values, compensation, etc. Typically, this meeting is with the lead advisor. During this meeting we want to determine three things:

1. Can we truly help and add value to your situation?
If we are unable to help you or add value to your situation, we do not want the business. News travels fast if we are earning a commission or fee and not adding value.

2. Can we establish a mutually beneficial relationship?
In other words, if we are able to add value, are we able to be fairly compensated for our services? To not be fairly compensated would create a win/lose relationship. The new client wins, but our existing clients, staff and families lose. We have learned that a win/win situation is the healthiest and most gratifying relationship that will stand the test of tumultuous markets and time.

3. Can we work with you?
We are interested in building good, solid partnerships that are based upon honesty, integrity and respect. There will be no fee charged for this initial consultation and, outside of general observations, no specific recommendations will be made at this time. If we both determine that we may be able to establish a mutually beneficial relationship, a second appointment will be set.

During this meeting, our primary goal is to simply gather information on your specific situation. Our Director of Financial Planning will be in contact with you to schedule this appointment and will send to you a summary of the items that are helpful to have available such as bank statements, brokerage statements, 401(k)/retirement statements, tax returns and any other important financial information. The more information that you provide, the more accurate we can make your proposal. It is also very important to clarify your dreams and goals. We make it our priority to understand what is important to you so that we can help you accomplish what you value most in life.

Behind the scenes, a lot goes on to organize and formalize a comprehensive financial plan that could help you meet your needs, goals, risk tolerance and time horizon. We compile the information that you have provided to us and construct a financial road map that will hopefully help you accomplish what you value most in life. In the initial plan, we will address your current assets and recommend an asset allocation strategy that addresses your goals and risk tolerance. We will also review your estate planning, tax strategizing, retirement planning, insurance, college funding, debt financing and cash flow analysis needs.

Once we have made the decision to work together, we will contact you to complete any new account and transfer documents either in person or via electronic signature. All accounts will be opened as you currently have them at your bank and/or brokerage firm. For the most part, all publicly traded securities (outside of proprietary investments and annuities) are easily transferable from one firm to another. We will handle the entire transfer and try to make it as seamless as possible for you. The process typically takes about 10 business days.

LPL Financial does not charge any fees to transfer your accounts, however, your existing firm may charge an account closing fee, typically between $50 to $150 per account.

After your account transfers are complete, we will research each investment that you currently own and formulate an implementation plan. We analyze available research through LPL Financial’s objective research department as well as Fi360, Morningstar, and Moody’s to assist us with determining which investment still makes sense for you to own. We take into consideration any capital gains and losses as well as any costs to liquidate the holdings. Then, we sort each investment into the appropriate asset class—holding what we believe are sound investments and selling what we believe are no longer appropriate. Our goal is to create an asset allocation strategy and a comprehensive financial plan that is specifically designed for your needs, goals, and risk tolerances.

During the implementation planning meeting, we also address and discuss any other needs you may have such as estate planning, tax strategizing, retirement planning, insurance, college funding, debt financing and cash flow analysis. Although we are not attorneys or CPAs, we will work closely with your other advisors to make sure all of your needs are met. If you do not have an established relationship, we can help you find one that meets your needs in our outside network of professionals.

After all the trades have been placed, we will reach out to make sure you received your trade confirmations and review where we are in the process. We will also reach out to review your first statement and online account view with us, either via phone or in our office, to make sure you clearly understand everything.

It is important for you to understand that we will continue to monitor the economy, markets, investment climate and your portfolio on an ongoing basis. You are not alone. Our goal is to proactively anticipate your needs before you even know you have one. Although not mandatory, we encourage a quarterly check-up of your portfolio and financial condition. This is a good opportunity for us to discuss the current economic and market environment and how they may be affecting your portfolio. We also recommend periodic comprehensive reviews of your total wealth situation at least annually. At this time, we will discuss your objectives and accounts in detail. The goal of the reviews is to accomplish four things:

1.Examine the progress of your overall plan.
2.Ensure that the services we provide not only meet your expectations, but also exceed them.
3.Obtain any updated personal and/or financial information from you.
4.Determine if your goals, objectives, and risk tolerances have changed.

It is important for you to let us know if your situation has changed so that we may make any changes, if necessary. During these meetings, we will also use our internal performance reporting software to provide you with detailed performance information. These reports are also readily available to you at any time upon request.


Beyond the Numbers

Solis Wealth Management

Solis Wealth Management is an independent financial firm established to put our clients’ best interest first by strictly adhering to our mission statement.

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Dr. Roy Pitkin

This statement is a testimonial by a client of the financial professional as of {07/10/2024}. The client has not been paid or received any other compensation for making these statements. As a result, the client does not receive any material incentives or benefits for providing the testimonial. These views may not be representative of the views of other clients and are not indicative of future performance or success. (Tracking #622550)

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Mark Olson

This statement is a testimonial by a client of the financial professional as of {07/16/2024}. The client has not been paid or received any other compensation for making these statements. As a result, the client does not receive any material incentives or benefits for providing the testimonial. These views may not be representative of the views of other clients and are not indicative of future performance or success. (Tracking #614236.)

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Richard and Victory Grund

This statement is a testimonial by a client of the financial professional as of {02/29/2024}. The client has not been paid or received any other compensation for making these statements. As a result, the client does not receive any material incentives or benefits for providing the testimonial. These views may not be representative of the views of other clients and are not indicative of future performance or success. (Tracking #556941)

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Matt Johnson

This statement is a testimonial by a client of the financial professional as of {05/23/2023}. The client has not been paid or received any other compensation for making these statements. As a result, the client does not receive any material incentives or benefits for providing the testimonial. These views may not be representative of the views of other clients and are not indicative of future performance or success. (Tracking #451730-2)

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David and Colette Renker

This statement is a testimonial by a client of the financial professional as of {10/25/2023}. The client has not been paid or received any other compensation for making these statements. As a result, the client does not receive any material incentives or benefits for providing the testimonial. These views may not be representative of the views of other clients and are not indicative of future performance or success. (Tracking #515842)

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Don DeLair, Headmaster at King’s School of the Desert

This statement is a testimonial by a client of the financial professional as of {02/23/2023}. The client has not been paid or received any other compensation for making these statements. As a result, the client does not receive any material incentives or benefits for providing the testimonial. These views may not be representative of the views of other clients and are not indicative of future performance or success. (Tracking #436116-2)

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Judy Sanders

This statement is a testimonial by a client of the financial professional as of {07/13/2023}. The client has not been paid or received any other compensation for making these statements. As a result, the client does not receive any material incentives or benefits for providing the testimonial. These views may not be representative of the views of other clients and are not indicative of future performance or success. (Tracking #457029-1)